Volunteering is both fun and rewarding! Gain new skills and meet new people, all while making a difference. We want to bring enthusiastic people together and combine our goals with yours to create a fantastic cause for good! Together we can make a real, lasting impact on our planet.

Who we need

Baobab Charity is an international and inclusive organization that welcomes anyone who shares the same values as us. We champion diversity and equal opportunities and aim to bring people from different backgrounds and communities together to make the planet better. As long as you have a passion for standing up for nature, doing positive things to impact all lives, and are ready to take your enthusiasm to the next level, this is for you!

How to help

Baobab Grants, Baobab Forests and Baobab Seeds are the three main projects currently active in the Baobab Charity. There are great opportunities for you, from one-off events to ongoing commitments. You are welcome to apply to be a Baobab Ambassador and be on the frontlines of environmental and educational activism, leading communities to engage the public and inspire real change on a national and global scale. The events, PR and marketing sector of Baobab Charity is also open for applications. You can help organize exhibitions and events for our winning photographers, follow up on the education facilities for children and plant trees. You can save lives and make them thrive! Join our community, interact with our work, and spread the word. Email to apply at: info@baobabcharity.org